Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hat's off to you, Butthole Eyes.

We had these freakish tornados during last week that totally wrecked my cable's shit. So, I did what every person in the square mile radius does when the cable goes out: Called and complained.

Fast forward to fucking Mother's Day. My mother and I were treated to "Butthole Eyes: Your Cable Wizard", Prompted with lame conversation, and then when I asked what model number MY cable box was, He remarked like an asshole "If you modify the firmware, We'll cut of your service."

You know what, I don't give a fuck. I'm not going to fucking update the shit and you can get fucking bent. Plus, your eyes look like rashy, little boy assholes.

For the record, Cox Communications, You probably want to train you technicians in human relations and not in dumbfuck...

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